30 September 2008

Get Out Her Vote 2008

Dear CNN:

A child, age 12 or even 13, cannot 'have sex' with a 26-year old. Whether that child is male or female, we call that rape because consent is meaningless below a certain age.

29 September 2008

28 September 2008


Some good news about the election numbers at FiveThirtyEight.

Notable quote from the article:
Democrats have no reason to be complacent. Although the situation looks dramatically better for them than it did two weeks ago, so too have the stakes of the election increased. The next president will face perhaps the most challenging set of circumstances of any since Franklin Roosevelt, and could potentially have nearly as much impact on the future direction of the country. Obama could very easily lose, and even if he wins, odds are that there will be at least one more swing back toward McCain in the intervening 37 days.

I believe James Carville said it best, though. "When your opponent is drowning, throw the son of a bitch an anvil."

The last eight years have taught me not to hope. But I'm sort of feeling like maybe we're looking at a pivotal point in American history. It's not a time for complacency, not with so much on the line...

Starting here...

Now that I am in my thirties*, I thought maybe I would move my blog from LiveJournal--bless them--to here. This way, I avoid most of the teenage drama that seems to infest even the people who run LJ, even though those people are ostensibly adults. This place, while lacking some of the things I loved about LJ--like icons!--will let me do my blog thing for free. Free, when you're a poor-as-church-mouse first-year law student, is a very good thing.

My LJ is due for renewal in a month, and I'm going to hold off on doing anything about it. I'm going to leave that blog there for archive purposes, but the new stuff will be happening here. We'll see if I keep reading over there, or if I just add my friends to my Google reader and convert to Google products completely.

*Really, it's not about that, though I do feel like I'm getting a lot older than most of the community lately. Is that strange?