30 August 2009

How to be a Douchebag

1. Go to Blizz Con 2009.
2. Take a video camera.
3. At a Q&A panel with a successful acting group responsible for a popular online series, remind the show's creator that though she's accomplished and smart, you can still make her a punchline and a piece of ass just like that.

4.  Bonus points for posting it to You Tube and raking in the nerdboy kudos.

Fanboys, doncha know, have a right to know anything and everything about the objects of their interest. Certainly, those rights outweigh the personhood of Felicia Day.



August said...

That's the fandom. If it's female it becomes a sex object. Fair? No, not in a million years... but sadly true.

Jared said...

How asshat-y.

Kristen said...

@August--certainly my experience with con-going, though limited, included more than my fair share of groping in the aisles at GenCon '96. I wasn't even elaborately costumed or asking for attention of any kind.

@Jared--I wanted her to chuck something at him. But I do think her "You'll never know" was about the classiest way she could have handled it. I already liked her, but that was graceful.

Michelle Sagara said...

I think this is more prevalent as an attitude at gaming conventions than at other, general SF conventions -- possibly because the general conventions are so much smaller.

That said? I have had long at-the-computer-rants about a huge number of WoW things, in particular, the way female and male versions of the same item tend to be so totally different; there are things I won't actually wear, they annoy me so much.

I am working on general articles about WoW (rather than useful, specific, theory-crafty ones) and things like gender issues. And age issues. And status issues.

eleganterica said...

I was so excited that The Guild was going to be at BlizzCon. I was there when it happened, and was totally aghast. I wanted to chuck something at him too... I honestly even considered the possibility of throwing my shoe or getting up and kicking him in the shin.

Felicia showed such great class in her response while her "fan" did not. Even though I praise her for her poise, I hope that her first thought was "what a complete loser."

Kristen said...

@Michelle--Did the Open Source Boob Project happen at a SF convention? I remember thinking at the time that WisCon might be the only safe con in the current panoply of choices...