04 September 2011

How to Fill the Days

I'm at loose ends of late, as I look for a law job and wait to hear if I passed the bar. It's a strange thing, to be looking for jobs that you're not entirely certain you'll be able to do in a few weeks, since certification hasn't come yet, but at the same time, you can't realistically look for "lesser" work, either, since you'd have to be honest with any other employer that they were just a stop-over on the way to the career you just spent three years and many thousands of dollars training for.

So I am polishing up the resume, working on finishing my last cases at legal aid, and considering what else to do. Come Tuesday I will be applying at more temp agencies in the hopes of finding short term work to pay my bills, which haven't stopped while everything else is on hold. It's hard to know what to do with myself otherwise when I wake up at 7:30 AM with an entire day stretching before me. I have watched a lot of MSNBC; even when I am not paying attention to the TV, I find the white noise comforting.

I've also returned to several resolutions that fell away while I was in law school, like blogging and writing three pages of fiction every day. Blogging obviously happens here, and I have been using the website 750 Words to do the fiction writing, rather than than doing it in Scrivener or Word. 750words has a lot of pretty nifty metrics built in that, while not always accurate, are sort of fascinating writing-process navel-gazing. I am hoping to do NaNoWriMo in November no matter what, so I have been thinking about the daily pages as training to write a little over twice that every day come November.  I sort of miss the old Defunct Novel in 90 community at Live Journal, but it seems to have gone belly-up. It seemed like a more sustainable pace than NaNo, but then the frenetic pace of NaNo is in some ways the point.

So far, the writing continues apace. I'm only on a three day streak, but I am trying to keep it up, and to make myself write the pages before I get to engage in time-wasters like WoW. So far, so good.

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