16 February 2009

As Nature Made Him

The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl by John Colapinto

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read John Colapinto's Rolling Stone interview back in 1997, and was absolutely riveted. I don't know why, given that, and my undergraduate degree in Women's Studies, it took me so long to get around to reading this book.

I would strongly recommend this book to anyone with a taste for journalistic non-fiction or an interest in whether our gender is a product of nature or nurture.

Once you've read it, look online for the follow-up. It's a part of the story you would not want to miss.

View all my reviews.

15 February 2009

Dollhouse, episode one

Opening scene: Echo and the Older British Lady
Nice line here: "Ya ever try to clean an actual slate? You always see what was on it before."

:02--Oh, yawn. Motorcycle racing. And weirdly stilted banter between Echo and the Birthday Boy.
:03--Echo and BB hit the dance floor. Eliza Dushku is a great dancer, and knows it: they had her dance quite a bit on Buffy, too. And WHOA that's a short dress.
:05--Banter here is better.
:08--Geek Boy is Creepy.
:11--Opening credits are typically Fox-sexy, but the music is nice if un-catchy.
:18--we meet the FBI agent who thinks the Dollhouse is real. Not-Mulder is a BSG-refugee, the character formerly known as Helo.
:26--Creepy Geek Boy is oddly likable, in spite of it all.
:33--I liked Faith. I think Echo might be slightly beyond Eliza Dushku's acting chops. Or maybe I can't get over that she's FAITH.
:45--Okay, the tension in the episode is pretty compelling.

All in all, nice set up for the next episode, and while this show isn't Firefly, it's highly watchable.


I'm not sure how I did it, but I may have sprained my wrist this weekend. It's tender, and typing may make it worse.

If it feels better soon, I have some things to say about Dollhouse that I'll try to post.

04 February 2009

Book Update, again!

Cast in Fury (Chronicles of Elantra, Book 4) Cast in Fury by Michelle Sagara West

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love Michelle Sagara West.

I love her writing, her blog, and her personal philosophy as evidenced by the books she writes. The Chronicles of Elantra series is as good as any genre fiction being published today...and it's not even the best series she's currently writing.

Such talent, in a person less lovely and deserving, would be a source of envy.

As it is, I'm just happy I can buy her books.

View all my reviews.

Book Update!

Glory & Greed Glory & Greed by August Hahn

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Full disclosure: the author is a friend of mine.

That said, this book was incredibly fun to read. I worried, given that it was a novel set in a gaming world, that I would be lost because of a lack of familiarity with the source material, or I would get irritated with the info dumps that this genre can be guilty of.

I should have had more faith.

I can't wait for August to write the next installment. Or, even better, write something in an original world where he wouldn't be constrained by world history written by someone else.

View all my reviews.