16 October 2008

I think I might vote for this guy...

In case you missed it, Barack Obama spoke last night at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner. He was poised, eloquent, and absolutely hilarious.

I'm totally voting for that guy.

15 October 2008

Okay, I watched this and needed a tissue.

...so be careful.

But it is so worth watching. Go on.

Do it.

13 October 2008

Oh, and one other thing....

and I are co-blogging at Recycled Contents as of today. Right now, she's winning. :)

Really looking forward to the next debate:

Does McCain really have it in him to question Obama to his face?

This was in response to Obama's statement, here:

"I am surprised that, you know, we've been seeing some pretty over-the-top attacks coming out of the McCain campaign over the last several days, that he wasn't willing to say it to my face. But I guess we've got one last debate. So presumably, if he ends up feeling that—that he needs to, he will raise it during the debate."Barack Obama, responding to Charlie Gibson's inquiry about the McCain campaign's assertion that Obama is an unknown quantity and implication that he is a terrorist.

And Joe Biden is saying the same:
“All of the things they said about Barack Obama in the TV, on the TV, at their rallies, and now on YouTube … John McCain could not bring himself to look Barack Obama in the eye and say the same things to him,” Biden said this morning. “In my neighborhood, when you’ve got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him.”

I have to say that I think Obama/Biden is trying to goad McCain (Senator Hothead himself!) into a display of temper in the last debate. There have been rumors for years that McCain was a touch unstable, and anything that confirms that reputation is likely to be a game ender with most independent voters. Obama's composure at the debates has been a clear argument for who is more "presidential."

Though, I think if we are honest about the election, it's pretty much over anyway.

Above water once more...

Test is done. Paper is handed in.

I have a boatload of outlining and catching up to do, but at least the looming immediacy of the last two weeks is waning.

I still love Oregon. And I love law school most of the time. Even though I feel like it's going to eat me.

I have election stuff to say, but it's for another post.

10 October 2008

A beautiful ad out of California opposing Proposition 8

The Great Schlep

I don't generally like Sarah Silverman, but this is pretty great.

I swear: real content is coming.

08 October 2008

Oh, this guy is good...

Note: I will be free from my crushing deadlines and anxiety on Monday. See you then. :)

03 October 2008

Post-debate thoughts

So last night I watched the debate with Jenn and some of the folks from her program.

Way back when it was first announced, my reaction to the Biden pick was that it was ...disappointing. A 35-year Senate veteran, an old white guy. Boring, safe choice. Politics as usual. I'd met Biden at an event at the Dole Institute for Politics, and he was pretty much your standard older politician.

I take it all back. It was a brilliant choice by Obama.

Joe did an absolutely amazing job against Sarah "Please won't she stop winking" Palin. He was respectful, knowledgeable, and didn't hesitate to point out when she just didn't answer the question. So amazing.

And then there was this:

I'm with Rachel Maddow on this one: all her folksy-just-a-nice-hockey-mom persona is right down the tubes when she responds with that "John McCain's a maverick" thing without any acknowledgement of the human moment than came just before. I guess they didn't give her an index card to read in the case of Joe getting weepy.

02 October 2008

Update from the land of rain

So the rainy weather arrived in Oregon today, it seems. All the trees are turning now here, so I should get to taking some photos soon. It's really pretty here, and often in the mornings as Greg is taking me to class, we come up over the Coburg road bridge and I have to catch my breath. "We LIVE here," he'll remind me with a smile.

We're nearing the Halfway Point of classes this term, which I really can't process all that well, but numerically, it's undeniable. Big test next week, but I'm going to fret about that this weekend. For now, it's all about the VP debate for me. I expect I'll blog and or twitter about it as it happens.

ALF-CIO president on racism and this election

Oh, man, is this great.

My friend Jenn, who blogs many places but mainly at Kepkanation posted this awesome video of Richard Trumka speaking on race, Obama, and the election.

01 October 2008

On Love

There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable.

Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.

If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness.

But in that casket – safe, dark, motionless, airless – it will change.

It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.

--C.S. Lewis

The Four Loves, p. 169

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