"At the beginning of the 21st century, this nation faces problems that are old and that are new: racial, sexual orientation, and gender inequality all remain. … The solutions are contained within a new, dynamic, progressive movement that has the ability to inspire and motivate the people of this nation in the way that progressives have in the past. That ability exists in this room, and in the law schools, and in the courtrooms, and in the law offices around this country. It is our task to unlock, to unleash the creative energy needed to give life to this renewed movement. It is not enough for us to gather at annual meetings, to participate in panels, and to return to our communities, and be content to observe, or to passively criticize, the now dominant governing philosophy.
Quite simply, it is time to act. It is time to organize. It is time to retake the levers of government and to use them for the common good. It is time, finally, to be true to our ideological heritage. And so my challenge to you tonight is to leave this convention renewed in your convictions, and committed to using your abundant talents for the good of the citizens of this country.
At the end of every week, I want you to ask yourselves, what have I done in the past seven days to advance the cause? How have I made more likely this liberal renaissance?
…Now we all lead busy lives, and we can all find reasons, excuses really, not to do that which we know is needed. The struggle is larger than any of these excuses, and is ultimately dependent on individual sacrifices large and small. I urge you to find your own way in this new effort. I implore you to create relationships with other members of the progressive community to bring to bear your combined talents.
This can be—this must be—our time. We must seize this opportunity. For the good of the nation we love, we must make this new century our own."
--Eric Holder, from a speech to the American Constitution Society in 2004
Here's a guy who knows why I went to law school. This is tremendously encouraging. This is not Ashcroft. This is not Gonzalez.
Things are looking up.
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