12 November 2008

Things I Can Be Happy About, the Right Now Version

1.  I have a really good coffee-shop caliber hot chocolate with whipped cream.

2.  I'm going home to Kansas for Christmas.

3.  Tonight, Jenn and I are starting a Sekrit Projekt.  More to come in the next few days.

4.  I am loved.

5.  I finally got to start the new Michelle Sagara West book, Cast in Fury.


Jenn said...

Now see, this makes me feel very whiny for posting a Things That Are Crappy List at exactly the same time. I am the black cloud!

Will call or e-mail later about coming over. 4:30ish? I should also note my cell phone is pretty much dead -- it can handle one phone call per day before dying, right now. So in case of emergency... smoke signals?

Kristen said...

Email is the best way to reach me, always.

Do you still have the spinach I left at your house? I want to make you another, better, quiche.